Best class in the world

Best class in the world
It was all yellow

Monday 2 June 2014

Charlie, Andie, and Amber's Statistical Enquiry

What We Like to Read

Recently in maths, our class has been learning how to use 'The Statistical Enquiry Cycle'. Our task was to come up with a problem, plan it all out, survey a certain group or class, and display our answers onto a graph. 

Amber, Andie and I did a survey of the middle and senior syndicates. We were asking them about what their favourite reading genre was. Our plan was to find this out, and tell Sally so that the next time she is thinking of purchasing books, she will remember what our schools' favourite genre are. These were our predictions:

Andie: Non Fiction
Amber: Fantasy
Charlie: Action Adventure

We surveyed a total of 84 students. After collecting our data, these were the results:

Action Adventure- First with 30 votes
Fantasy- Second with 20 votes
Humour- Third with 15 votes.
Non Fiction- Fourth with 11 votes.
Drama- Last with 8 votes.

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