Best class in the world

Best class in the world
It was all yellow

Monday 2 June 2014

T.O.W by Charlie

Treaty Of Waitangi Movie 

Last term we created and entered a movie about the Relevance of the Treaty of Waitangi today into a nationwide competition. The prize was a $10,000 trip up to Waitangi, and we spent ten hard weeks trying to win this prize. The first two weeks were spent trying to plan the whole movie in detail, so that it would all flow really well. 

We were all given jobs, two people were chosen as producers, two as directors, plus camera crew, editors, actors, prop and costume design, and a few scriptwriters. Most people found that last job boring so went off and found another job, leaving myself and Jessica, who was also a producer, scriptwriting by ourselves. We finally finished the script about 5 weeks into it, and then obviously some people in the class didn't like it, so bits were being changed constantly. 

The costumes were brought to us from imagine theatre and Motueka High School, and we made the Maori Cloaks, with the help of Mr Howell. 

We started filming with the school cameras, but they kept shutting down, so Daniel bought in his camera, which was really good, and then once we filmed all of the scenes at school, we went out to Pukatawai and filmed the signing of the treaty.

We spent ages cutting, editing, filming and retaking, and then we finally finished the movie, and it didn't turn out the way we wanted it too, because we didn't stick to our plan, but even though the plan got changed, I think our movie turned out pretty good. 

If you wish to see the movie click here: 

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