Best class in the world

Best class in the world
It was all yellow

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Summer Sports


When I woke up in the morning and felt the warm sun on my face I had a lighting bolt of excitement roar through my body at a hundred miles an hour because I realised that I had summer sports tournament on today. 

Summer sport is when all the schools in the district come to the Motueka Recreation Centre and play three different sports which are: Touch, volleyball, and ultimate frisbee.

First we all got a run down on the sports that we would be playing for the day. And then we all got divided into our pools for the day. My team was in pool B and our first sport was ultimate Frisbee.

Ultimate Frisbee

In ultimate frisbee the aim of the game is to throw the frisbee to a team member who has to be in the opponents goal circle. It is like netball but instead of the ball it is a frisbee.

Our team won all of our games.

  Touch Rugby

Touch rugby is like tackle rugby but instead of tackling you just touch the opponent. The opponent has to stop roll the ball under his or her legs to the dummy who will pass to another team member close by. To score you need to place the ball over the line behind your opponent without being touched in the process. We did quite well in that.


Volleyball was our last sport of the day. We were all quite tired and didn't really fell like playing anything more. Volleyball is when you have a light ball that is slightly soft.You have a team of 6. The aim of the game is to hit the ball over the net and onto the opponents side if it hits the ground before being returned it is one point. One of the games that we played we had an awesome rally that went on for 2 minutes.

At the end of the day, we had a great time playing the sports and meeting new kids and making friends.

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