Best class in the world

Best class in the world
It was all yellow

Monday 2 June 2014

Treaty Of Waitangi Movie

The Treaty Of Waitangi Movie 

This past school term we have been creating a 5 minute movie masterpiece. After a long road we have finally finished. Our class split into different groups to work on different things such as actors,costumes designers, prop makers, editors, directors,and producers.

At the start it was quite hard, because we just wanted to rush ahead and film, but we discovered that without planning, we were going to have a lot of trouble with scripts, costumes and the filming. We realised this, and went back to do very detailed planning, so that everything would flow.

After planning, everything went a lot smoother, and we got a lot done in a short time period. After all the planning we filmed the movie from in the class to all the way out to Pukatawai. We learnt a lot from this experience and even though we did not win the competition we produced a really good movie.  

We would really appreciate if you watch our movie and commented.Click here to watch      

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